

In my early childhood I was gifted with a talent for music, sketching and writing. As a consequence, these artistic talents encouraged me to study as a fashion designer.


I am a dressage horse rider and horse lover at heart. For twenty years, I have been surrounded by horses at my dressage stables at home. This has enabled me to observe them closely on a daily basis.


Horses inspire and encourage me in my quest for true beauty.


Throughout my life I have been haunted with a desire to express emotions in words, images and sound, through the mediums of paper, canvas and music.


Horses are my passion. They know more about human beings than we can ever imagine and they have an unerring sense of our deepest emotions.


They stand for freedom, playfulness and strength. Their soul is what I am seeking to capture in my paintings.


The enchantment of a feeling, a form, a color or a blink of a moment... It 'has' to be captured on canvas to live it and let it go.


I am moved by the invisible and I have a profound desire to understand it and make it visible. To achieve this I use acrylic and oil paint, together with a mix of other techniques.


Every painting is an experiment to see where I might finish up. The end result is never what I had in mind when I started out. The same as with life - you never know where it will lead you.

"Art must be an expression of love or it is nothing." - Marc Chagall